Check-in time is 2:00 PM.
Check-out time is 10:00 AM.
All services at Blue Osa are not available on the day of check-in or check-out. This includes yoga classes, spa services, bar/juice services, etc. This includes yoga classes, spa services, bar/juice services, etc. For guests leaving later than 10:00 AM, or arriving earlier than 2:00 PM, we are more than happy to keep your luggage secure and safe for you as you wait for your room to be ready.
Being an all-inclusive retreat, Meals included in your stay: Dinner on the day of arrival; breakfast, lunch, and dinner on each full day; and breakfast on the day of departure.
Mealtimes are typically
7:30 breakfast
12:30 lunch
6:30 dinner
Our kitchen is not available for special meals.