Blue Osa offers a free WiFi service. This service is available in the main lounge area as well as the dining area. Since we practice mindfulness and silence in the mornings, the internet is turned off until 7:30 am.
The internet is also turned off again at dinner from 6:30 until 7:15 pm. We do not have any computers available for use.
While there are no phones in the rooms, guests are more than welcome to make calls at our office. The fee for this service is $2.00/min
International cell phone service here on the Osa can be sketchy, at best. Sometimes some phones will work, sometimes they won’t. We suggest you check with your service provider and ask them specifically about service in Costa Rica.
We do invite you to leave your cell phones and laptops at home and “unplug” from your life while you are on your vacation or retreat. We suggest you take full advantage of this remote paradise to concentrate on the peace and wilderness experience.
Come to disconnect and decompress!