10 Foods To Enhance Your Yoga Practice

by Maia Leggott
‘Eating for your yoga’ is a phrase we hear often these days, but many of us do not necessarily know how to put it into practice in a ‘normal’ diet. Here is a list of ten foods to enhance your yoga practice that focuses on things like fiber, protein and bone health and are relatively easy to incorporate into your eating routine.
Check ’em out!

Chia seeds

Most people associate this tiny superfood with the grassy pets that graced many a kitchen counter or desktop through the 90s. Little do they know chia is a powerhouse of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, magnesium and more calcium than a glass of milk! In yoga body terms this means reduced inflammation of hardworking muscles, regulated bowel function, strong bones and a healthy heart. These tiny seeds make great additions to smoothies, salads or stir frys because you barely notice them. When wet they get a gelatinous, slimy texture that needs thorough blending but is great for pulling waste through the digestive tract. I like to make chia seed pudding, usually with some almond milk, banana and cinnamon – top it with your favorite nut and some antioxidant-rich berries and you’ve got a power breakfast!

Costa Rica Osa Peninsula Yoga Retreat Chia Seeds



This crowd favourite packs a powerful punch for your practice. Aside from the abundance of vitamins – including B12 for healthy red blood cells and nervous system – yogurt maintains proper digestion and promotes strong bones with its high calcium content. Yogurt protein also promotes water absorption and balances sodium in our bodies – an important part of staying hydrated in today’s sodium-craving culture. Eating yogurt within 60 minutes post-yoga provides essential amino acids for restoring our blissfully stretched-out muscles. Want even more bang for your spoonful? Try Greek yogurt (an incredibly high source of protein) topped with some nuts, fruit, chia seeds and honey – yum!

Costa Rica Osa Peninsula Yoga Retreat Yogurt



This incredibly creamy, delicious fruit (yes, fruit) is possibly one of the most perfect foods you can eat. Rich in vitamins and minerals and full of healthy fats, avocados facilitate the absorption of nutrients in the other foods we eat. They keep your heart and brain functioning properly, promote blood circulation and regulate blood pressure, aid in digestion and prevent cancer, while also boosting anti-inflammatory and anti-aging qualities. Phew! Eating one before a yoga practice will help you feel satiated and keep your body functioning properly during all those downward dogs. The simplest way to enjoy is with a little olive oil, salt and pepper, but you can try guacamole, sauces for pasta or fish, blend it into a smoothie, toss it into a salad or add it to a sandwich instead of meat. Get creative! Avocados are delicious, nutritious and fun to experiment with!

Costa Rica Osa Peninsula Yoga Retreat Avocado



Whole oats should be a staple of any yogi’s diet. They are packed with fiber and protein, as well as manganese which is essential in strong bone formation. Like avocados and chia seeds, the fiber in oats fills you up, keeping you satiated for longer and aiding in digestion by literally scraping the sides of your intestines, bringing food along with it and eliminating it. This staple can be added to any thing from cookies and breads (you can even grind it up to use as a gluten-free flour!) to fruit crisps and desserts. Oats are great to add to smoothies for extra protein, or you can keep it simple and have it with berries, nuts, seeds or honey – add some yogurt and you’re set!

Costa Rica Osa Peninsula Yoga Retreat Oats



A tasty treat that is the only natural source of an important ‘clean-up’ enzyme that digests dead protein cells resulting from injury or tears during the muscle-building process. This enzyme can also help relieve muscle soreness (perhaps our daily morning pineapple is the reason I haven’t been experiencing my usual post-intense-yoga-soreness…) This exotic addition to your diet is also a great source of vitamin C and manganese, promoting iron absorption and strong bones. Try pineapple in smoothies, with yogurt and granola, cooked into stir frys or just on its own as a post-class snack!

Costa Rica Osa Peninsula Yoga Retreat Pineapple



The complex carbs in this smiley fruit are great for lasting energy, but their potassium also helps prevent muscle cramps by promoting proper contraction and relaxation. This is important for our yoga practice because our increased energy can sometimes push us a bit far and a quick banana gives us the boost we need to make it to final savasana. Toss one in your yoga bag or add it to your chia seed pudding, smoothies or a yogurt parfait.

Costa Rica Osa Peninsula Yoga Retreat Banana



One of my personal favourites, a serving of kale is a calcium goldmine, contains more iron than a similar-sized serving of red meat, and supplies an abundant amount of vitamin K. Kale is also packed with fiber, so will go a long way in regulating digestion, while the calcium promotes a strong spine and skeleton The best way to eat kale is fresh – try it in a smoothie or massaging it with a little olive oil and substituting it for lettuce in a salad (sometimes it’s nice to mix it with other greens like spinach and arugula to distribute the earthy taste). I like to add it to stir frys or warm quinoa salads, or just steam it to have with fried garlic and onions as a side dish – get creative with what’s in your fridge! A popular snack is baked kale chips; you can find just about any flavor recipe online these days.

Costa Rica Osa Peninsula Yoga Retreat Kale



Another favourite of mine, it is also one of the most protein-rich foods we can add to our diet; it is a complete protein, which means it contains all nine essential amino acids. Extremely high in fiber and iron, quinoa is great for our digestion and blood circulation. Other vitamins and minerals in quinoa are important for nervous system function, energy production and building strong bones. Quinoa is also gluten-free so it’s a great addition to your diet if you are intolerant of or allergic to gluten. Quinoa can be added to salads, cooked in stir frys or paired with steamed veggies. One of my favorite dinners is quinoa patties – mix with garlic, onion, herbs and other veggies, egg or Greek yogurt (in case you needed more protein), form into patties and pan fry in a little vegetable oil. Yum!

Costa Rica Osa Peninsula Yoga Retreat Quinoa



Listing the myriad health benefits of almonds would take all day; in a nutshell (ha!), almonds promote bone health, immune system function, have anti-inflammatory properties, regulate blood pressure, enhance digestion, prevent cancer and boost energy. These are all important qualities we want for a healthy yoga food – strong bones, blood and bowels are vital to maintaining the energizing prana we try to cultivate in our practice. Almond milk is a fantastic substitute for dairy in smoothies, eggs or cereal and promotes heart health. The best way to eat them is raw and unsalted, so toss a baggie of almonds in your purse or yoga bag so you always have a handy snack; they’re also fantastic in salads, smoothies, topping off chia pudding or a cup of yogurt and fruit.

Costa Rica Osa Peninsula Yoga Retreat Almonds


Cacao or Dark Chocolate

I had to include a treat on the list – because we all deserve a little! Cacao or dark chocolate is a great guilt-free choice to incorporate into your routine. It has to be reeal dark, though – ideally cacao nibs or powder, or look for a 60% or higher dark chocolate bar. Dark chocolate keeps blood sugar levels normal while increasing blood flow to the brain. A little nibble before class will boost energy and concentration because it contains the neurotransmitter responsible for releasing endorphins. It also contains a little natural caffeine, enough to give you a little boost without adding jitters to the mix. Even try tossing it in a smoothie or using cacao powder to make a delicious chocolate almond milk.

Costa Rica Osa Peninsula Yoga Retreat Raw Cacao


Mmmmm… I’m hungry …


Teaching methodology + practicum

  • Learn how to lead and market successful yoga retreats
  • Learn the principles of demonstration, observation, assisting/correcting, and instruction.

  • Learn different teaching styles.

  • You’ll learn specific techniques that will enable you to easily teach all levels

  • You’ll also learn how to sequence your asanas to create a natural, therapeutic and transformative arcs in your classes

  • Learn the qualities of effective teaching

  • Learn the business aspects of being a yoga teacher and gain the building blocks of how to build a thriving yoga career

Development of the Professional Essentials

History, Philosophy + Ethics

  • Identify your spiritual stance so you can step into it as a source of strength
  • Identify walls and develop strategies to take them down
  • Create a support network and support strategies and have them in place when you leave
  • Complete a physical and spiritual adventure challenge
  • Learn the business aspects of building a thriving yoga career
  • How to bring the practice of yoga into your everyday life and make it work for you
  • The science and application of mantra
  • An overview of the history of the yoga tradition
  • The ethical standards of teaching yoga

Yoga Humanities

Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™

  • Receive training in Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™ training for Yoga Teachers
  • Go further in your anatomy training
  • Learn how to access muscle function
  • How to sequence transformational yoga classes
  • Learn the energetic and deeper sublime effects of asana
  • The science and application of Mantra
  • Design classes based on Ayurvedic principles
  • Knowledge of both human physical anatomy and physiology (bodily systems, organs, etc.) and energy anatomy and physiology (chakras, nadis, etc.).

Anatomy & Physiology

Techniques, Training and Practice

  • A breakdown in the anatomical and energetic categories of postures
  • Develop a daily meditation practice
  • Learn pranayamas, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation, and other traditional yoga techniques
  • How to sequence and structure transformational 60 and 90-minute classes
  • Practical experience teaching postures, classes, and meditation
  • Learn deep relaxation techniques
  • Yoga Nidra, as taught by the Himalayan tradition and Western tradition
  • Learn how to conduct and lead fire rituals
  • Kundalini Yoga techniques
  • Learn the subtle energetic aspects of yoga like the Koshas and chakras
  • Kriya Yoga and Laya Yoga

Advance Your Own Practice in Yoga

Techniques, Training and Practice

  • A breakdown in the anatomical and energetic categories of postures
  • Develop a daily meditation practice
  • Learn techniques in pranayamas, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation, and other traditional yoga techniques
  • How to structure and sequence transformational classes
  • Practical experience in teaching postures, sequencing, and meditation
  • Learn deep relaxation and meditation techniques that come from the Himalayan tradition

Develop a Rock Solid Practice in Yoga

Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™

  • Receive training in Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™ training for Yoga Teachers
  • Develop an understanding of basic anatomy
  • Learn about muscle function and how to improve it (something you will not learn in any other YTT)
  • Knowledge of both human physical anatomy and physiology (bodily systems, organs, etc.) and energy anatomy and physiology (chakras, nadis, etc.)
  • The study of both the subject and application of its principles to yoga practice (benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns)
  • Skills to teach yoga classes suited to all levels of practice.

Anatomy & Physiology

History, Philosophy + Ethics

  • An in-depth study and application of the Yoga Sutra
  • How to bring the practice of yoga into your everyday life and make it work for you
  • The science and application of mantra
  • An overview of the history of the yoga tradition
  • The ethical standards of teaching yoga

Yoga Humanities

Teaching methodology + practicum

Get hands-on practice teaching so that you’ll be able to teach on day one after the training is finished. You will:

  • Practice teaching in small and large groups

  • Be ready to teach yoga as soon as you leave the yoga teacher training

  • Get hands-on experience teaching and give/receive feedback

  • Practice assisting students

  • Learn the principles of demonstration, observation, assisting/correcting and instruction

  • Learn different teaching styles

  • Learn qualities of effective teaching and adjust to the student’s process of learning

  • Learn the business aspects of how to build a thriving yoga career

Development of the Professional Essentials