how to start your garden

6 Things To Know Before Starting Your Own Garden

Here at Blue Osa we have embraced the challenge of creating a garden in the jungle. We tackle extreme weather, all kinds of insects, various types of molds and a slew of other critters that are eager to eat our food.

However, despite the difficulties, our passion for fresh food pushes us to overcome these obstacles.

If you want to garden, but your environment presents certain problems, don’t let this stop you. If we can take on nature in the jungle, you can do it too! Follow these 6 steps to help start your own garden so you can eat fresh food throughout the year.

  • Start with good soil – It doesn’t matter how much love or effort you put into your garden if your plants don’t have the proper nutrients to grow in you won’t get great results. Start with organic soil or organic potting soil and organic compost. Mix 2/3 soil with 1/3 compost. (*Note: if you are starting a potted garden make sure to buy potting soil as it will have different quantities of nitrogen and other nutrients – if you pot plants with regular soil the composition may be too strong and can burn your plants).
  • Find your sunlight – If you have a southern facing window in your home or apartment you will probably want to start your garden there. If you don’t have a southern exposure, observe where the most light comes in. If it is cold outside, make sure to keep your plants a good distance from the window, since they may catch a draft.
  • Go with potted plants – It allows you to plant a variety of vegetables and herbs indoors, on a patio, front step, or back porch. Also, this keeps your garden mobile. If the basil isn’t doing well in the corner, no problem, you can pick it up and move it to a new spot.
  • Plant what you eat – Do you love peppers? Rosemary? Oregano? Plant things that you will actually use, this keeps you more interactive with your garden. When life gets busy it can be easy to walk by plants or leave them unattended. If you clip a few leaves of basil a few times a week, you will be sure to take better care of your plants, and therefore, receive better yields from them.
  • Plant resilient plants – Herbs are a good place to start as they will grow well indoors or outdoors. Try some mint or basil. Pepper plants are hearty as well. If you enjoy spicy foods with some chilies, they spice up your food and brighten up your home.
  • Plant a lot and keep it diverse – Instead of having one big pot of basil, plant four smaller pots. Put them in different areas of your house. Plant at least three or four different types of plants. This will ensure that you can find a variety or species that does well in your environment. There is a lot of trial and error in gardening. Therefore the more options you try, the more likely you’ll be to find something that works.

Hope these tips are helpful. Now get out there and start gardening!

About the author

Lara was a volunteer at Blue Osa working in the gardens. She is originally from Minnesota and spent the last three years in Colorado. In 2013 she decided to spend a year abroad focusing on travel, yoga & gardening.

Teaching methodology + practicum

  • Learn how to lead and market successful yoga retreats
  • Learn the principles of demonstration, observation, assisting/correcting, and instruction.

  • Learn different teaching styles.

  • You’ll learn specific techniques that will enable you to easily teach all levels

  • You’ll also learn how to sequence your asanas to create a natural, therapeutic and transformative arcs in your classes

  • Learn the qualities of effective teaching

  • Learn the business aspects of being a yoga teacher and gain the building blocks of how to build a thriving yoga career

Development of the Professional Essentials

History, Philosophy + Ethics

  • Identify your spiritual stance so you can step into it as a source of strength
  • Identify walls and develop strategies to take them down
  • Create a support network and support strategies and have them in place when you leave
  • Complete a physical and spiritual adventure challenge
  • Learn the business aspects of building a thriving yoga career
  • How to bring the practice of yoga into your everyday life and make it work for you
  • The science and application of mantra
  • An overview of the history of the yoga tradition
  • The ethical standards of teaching yoga

Yoga Humanities

Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™

  • Receive training in Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™ training for Yoga Teachers
  • Go further in your anatomy training
  • Learn how to access muscle function
  • How to sequence transformational yoga classes
  • Learn the energetic and deeper sublime effects of asana
  • The science and application of Mantra
  • Design classes based on Ayurvedic principles
  • Knowledge of both human physical anatomy and physiology (bodily systems, organs, etc.) and energy anatomy and physiology (chakras, nadis, etc.).

Anatomy & Physiology

Techniques, Training and Practice

  • A breakdown in the anatomical and energetic categories of postures
  • Develop a daily meditation practice
  • Learn pranayamas, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation, and other traditional yoga techniques
  • How to sequence and structure transformational 60 and 90-minute classes
  • Practical experience teaching postures, classes, and meditation
  • Learn deep relaxation techniques
  • Yoga Nidra, as taught by the Himalayan tradition and Western tradition
  • Learn how to conduct and lead fire rituals
  • Kundalini Yoga techniques
  • Learn the subtle energetic aspects of yoga like the Koshas and chakras
  • Kriya Yoga and Laya Yoga

Advance Your Own Practice in Yoga

Techniques, Training and Practice

  • A breakdown in the anatomical and energetic categories of postures
  • Develop a daily meditation practice
  • Learn techniques in pranayamas, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation, and other traditional yoga techniques
  • How to structure and sequence transformational classes
  • Practical experience in teaching postures, sequencing, and meditation
  • Learn deep relaxation and meditation techniques that come from the Himalayan tradition

Develop a Rock Solid Practice in Yoga

Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™

  • Receive training in Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™ training for Yoga Teachers
  • Develop an understanding of basic anatomy
  • Learn about muscle function and how to improve it (something you will not learn in any other YTT)
  • Knowledge of both human physical anatomy and physiology (bodily systems, organs, etc.) and energy anatomy and physiology (chakras, nadis, etc.)
  • The study of both the subject and application of its principles to yoga practice (benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns)
  • Skills to teach yoga classes suited to all levels of practice.

Anatomy & Physiology

History, Philosophy + Ethics

  • An in-depth study and application of the Yoga Sutra
  • How to bring the practice of yoga into your everyday life and make it work for you
  • The science and application of mantra
  • An overview of the history of the yoga tradition
  • The ethical standards of teaching yoga

Yoga Humanities

Teaching methodology + practicum

Get hands-on practice teaching so that you’ll be able to teach on day one after the training is finished. You will:

  • Practice teaching in small and large groups

  • Be ready to teach yoga as soon as you leave the yoga teacher training

  • Get hands-on experience teaching and give/receive feedback

  • Practice assisting students

  • Learn the principles of demonstration, observation, assisting/correcting and instruction

  • Learn different teaching styles

  • Learn qualities of effective teaching and adjust to the student’s process of learning

  • Learn the business aspects of how to build a thriving yoga career

Development of the Professional Essentials